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+27 87 655 1889

Sentratek Value-ADD Service



We understand the importance of training and skills transfer when it comes to achievement of the required hygiene standards in any Food and Beverage production environment.

Comprehensive training programs for operating staff are provided as an integral part of our services to clients and ensure the delivery of the highest hygiene standards and operational efficiencies that support our clients’ product quality and brands.


Sentratek focuses on providing training directly at the workplace on skills that are required to directly offer measurable outcomes; our training material has been compiled by industry and technical experts who have worked all around the world and it is this experience and knowledge base that assists our clients. 


Our training process includes a thorough needs analysis on which specialized training interventions and further monitoring will be based to ensure that our clients food safety, company and regulatory requirements are always met.


Training is also focused on the optimisation of chemical products in use and most importantly the application, safety and efficacy of the chemical products utilized at the point of application.